Kamis, 16 September 2010

WT (Writing Test) Sept 16, 2010

Serang, Sept 16, 2010
Director of TVC
Jl. Titiran Dalam No 83

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Shinta Dwi Oktaviani and I am 15 years old. As a regular viewer of your TV programs, I would like to comment of your TV program, Pembunuh Bayaran, which is aired from 7 pm to 8 pm every Friday.
In my opinion, the program totally brutal and does not have any educational values. First of all, in the story, there are too many violence, such as fighting, killing, and blood shedding in almost every scene. For example, last week’s episode showed a reconstruction of a sadistic murder. Secondly, the program has too many commercial breaks. Third, the subtitles of your TV program are often incorrect. Also, the time slot for your TV program is not appropriate.
The program will have a negative influence on viewers, so you should make it a more educational one, you should make it less brutal, you should make it less violence, you should make it less commercial breaks, you should hire professional translators, and it should be aired after children’s bedtime.
Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.


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